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Read 丨 number more than four times: hebei central energy net profit

2016-10-25 03:39:20来源: 中国电力新闻网

冀中能源近日发布业绩预告称,公司预计前9个月归属于上市公司股东的净利润为7500万元至8500万元,同比增长4337.34%至4928.99%。 点评:冀中能源的主业是采煤卖煤。基于煤价的飙升,...

Hebei central energy released preliminary results, said the company is expected in the first nine months of net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 75 million yuan to 85 million yuan, an increase of 4337.34% to 4928.99%. Going review: the main business of energy is coal mining sales. Based on coal prices soared,...