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调控效果初显 郑州楼市“降温”

At the beginning of control effect Zhengzhou housing "cool"

2016-10-22 16:51:04来源: 东方财富网

方便,快捷 手机查看财经快讯 专业,丰富 一手掌握市场脉搏 自“十一”长假期间接连出台调控房地产市场的限购限贷政策后,郑州楼市终于告别过去的过快上涨,开始降温。 国家统计局21日公布1...

Convenient, quick check financial professional, and rich Hand grasp the pulse of the market since the "11" during the long holiday in succession in regulating the real estate market restrictions limit credit policy, zhengzhou excessive rise of the housing market finally say goodbye to the past, began to cool. The national bureau of statistics released 21 1...