新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全画幅顶级单反 尼康 D5仅报价25900元

全画幅顶级单反 尼康 D5仅报价25900元

A frame top SLR nikon D5 price 25900 yuan only

2016-10-30 09:35:10来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline北京站行情】尼康D5采用2082万像素全画幅传感器,内置Expeed 5影像处理器,同时该相机还采用Multi-CAM 20000对焦系统,153点对焦,其中99点为十字型对焦,130%的D4s对焦面积。目前佳艺数码渠道中心促销报价25900元,全新国行,四码合一,感兴...

Nikon PConline Beijing railway market 】 【 20.82 million pixels full-frame sensor D5, built-in Expeed 5 image processor, the camera is also at the same time the Multi - CAM 20000 af system, 153 point, of which 99 points to cross focus, 130% of D4s focus area. Jiayi digital channel center promotion price at present is 25900 yuan, a new legal channels, four yards and creation...