新关注 > 信息聚合 > 朋友圈里热传“雀斑蛋”能致命 听听医生咋说

朋友圈里热传“雀斑蛋”能致命 听听医生咋说

Circle of friends in heat transfer "freckles eggs" can be deadly to listen to a doctor that

2015-07-03 07:37:49来源: 大河网

河南商报首席记者郑筱倩 记者宗雷 近日,“雀斑蛋”让半岁宝宝走趟“鬼门关”的新闻,在微信朋友圈疯传。 一时间,“罪魁祸首”沙门氏菌成了“热搜词”。 啥是沙门氏菌?“雀斑蛋”真有那么可怕?...

Henan Business Daily's chief correspondent reporter Zheng Xiaoqian cases of mine recently, "freckles egg" for half a year old baby walk trip "Jaws" of the news, in the micro channel circle of friends crazy pass. For a time, the "culprit" Salmonella became "hot search words". What is Salmonella? "Freckles" is really so terrible? ...