新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雇人刷成就也碰到骗子了 甩手掌柜真厉害

雇人刷成就也碰到骗子了 甩手掌柜真厉害

Hire brush achievement also encounter a liar shuaishouzhanggui really terrible.

2016-12-18 13:06:26来源: 17173

事情是这样的,在我们区里的群。有个叫(难再遇)的人接成就,群里就有人找了他。结果被骗了之后,发现并不是他自己接的成就,而是交给别人。 现在人跑了,难再遇并不负责,并且很直白的说明了自己是骗子。最重...

That's the way it is, in our neighborhood. A person with (difficult to meet) achievements, the group, someone looking for him. After the results were deceived, and found not his own achievements, but to others. Now people run, difficult to meet is not responsible for, and it is straightforward to explain oneself is a liar. Most weight...