新关注 > 信息聚合 > 需求发生转变 智能家电生态圈加速升级

需求发生转变 智能家电生态圈加速升级

Demand change Intelligent home appliances ecosystem to accelerate the upgrade

2016-12-27 10:07:53来源: 中国家电网

如今,家电智能化已经成为家电行业的发展方向。业内人士表示,未来智能家电生态圈将会由单品逐步发展成为集智慧物业、智慧家庭、社区商圈、安防监控等智慧家庭与社区多领域组合的智能生态圈。 今年前10个月...

Nowadays, the development direction of intelligent home appliances has become a household appliances industry. The personage inside course of study says, the future intelligent home appliances ecosystem will be by item gradually developed into a collection of intellectual property, families, communities, business circle, security monitoring and other wisdom family and community multidisciplinary combination of intelligent ecosystem. The first 10 months of this year...