新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口石塔村无排水管 路面积水成臭水沟[图]

海口石塔村无排水管 路面积水成臭水沟[图]

Haikou stone village without a drain Surface water into the gutter (figure)

2016-07-04 12:36:54来源: 大河网

海口石塔村无排水管路面积水成臭水沟 城南路石塔村路段每遇雨天就积水。 南国都市报7月3日讯(记者党朝峰 文/图)日前,海口市石塔村的村民反映,村里县道城南路近年来因为没有排水管道,加上大货车的...

Haikou stone village drain pavement without water into the gutter Standing in the way tower village south of the city road, water for every encounter a rainy day. On July 3, south China metropolis daily news (reporter article/photo) party towards the peak, stone village, the villagers reflect in haikou city, county roads south road in the village in recent years, because there is no drainage pipe, and a big truck...