新关注 > 信息聚合 > 27省份高考平稳顺利结束


The university entrance exam smoothly over 27 provinces

2015-06-09 11:46:08来源: 人民网

本报北京6月8日讯(记者 柴葳)“截至目前,从各省区市反馈的情况来看,今年高考总体平稳顺利,各地考场秩序井然,没有发生不稳定事件和大规模集体舞弊的事件。”教育部新闻发言人续梅今天表示。 截至今天下午,除江苏、浙江、江西、海南4个省因考试科目设置的不同,6月9日仍会安排考试外,其余27...

News from Beijing, June 8 (reporter bavin Veda) "so far, in terms of the feedback from the provincial overall smoothly this year the university entrance exam, around the examination room orderly, no instability and large-scale collective fraud events." The ministry of education spokesman xu mei said today. As of this afternoon, in addition to jiangsu, zhejiang, jiangxi, hainan four provinces because of different subjects, on June 9, will arrange the test, the remaining 27...