新关注 > 信息聚合 > 真浪荡还是被陷害 盘点深陷艳照门的女星

真浪荡还是被陷害 盘点深陷艳照门的女星

Really dissolute or been framed inventory deep pornographic actress

2015-11-23 19:23:48来源: 新华报业网

2013年有论坛曝出一组题为《陈慧琳“洞房艳照”》的图片,在网上掀起轩然大波。 照片里貌似陈慧琳的女主角身穿婚纱,与男伴摆出各种动作,尺度堪比阿娇的“艳照门”。有网友指出该组照片PS痕迹明显,“...

2013 years forum to expose a set of questions for "Kelly" wedding photos, pictures, on the Internet caused a stir. In the picture looks like Kelly's heroine wearing a wedding dress, and male companion put out a variety of actions, comparable to the scale of the Gillian "pornographic." Some netizens pointed out that the group of photos PS obvious signs,"...