新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科学保护各民族语言文字(大家手笔)


Scientific protection of ethnic language (you write)

2017-01-26 08:50:37来源: 中国青年网

语言文字是人类文明代代相传的载体,是打开沟通理解之门的钥匙,是促进文明交流互鉴的纽带。在现代化建设进程中,科学保护各民族语言文字是一件大事,关系民族发展、国家繁荣和社会稳定。 科学保护各民族语言...

Language is the carrier of human civilization from generation to generation, is the key to open the door to communication understanding, civilization is to promote the exchange of mutual learning. In the process of modernization and scientific protection of the national language is a major event, relationship between national development, national prosperity and social stability. Science and protect the national language...