新关注 > 信息聚合 > C罗:外界抹黑我但他们失败了 我就是世界最佳

C罗:外界抹黑我但他们失败了 我就是世界最佳

Cristiano ronaldo: external discredit me but they failed I am the best in the world

2017-01-12 01:29:43来源: 华体网

在赢得2016年FIFA世界足球先生之后,C罗批评了外界针对他的抹黑活动。 C罗说:“外面有很多针对我的质疑与活动,不管是足球内部还是足球外部,而事实上呢,世界足球先生奖是颁发给最棒的球员,那人...

After won the 2016 FIFA world player of the year, ronaldo criticized the smear campaign against him. Outside cristiano ronaldo said: "there are a lot of questions and activities against me, whether it's within football or soccer outside, in fact, the world footballer of the year award is awarded to the best players, the man...