新关注 > 信息聚合 > 朴泰桓新年首训:2017渴望救赎 目标刷新400自成绩

朴泰桓新年首训:2017渴望救赎 目标刷新400自成绩

Desire redemption park first training in the New Year: 2017 refresh since 400

2017-01-24 04:42:29来源: 环球网

1月23日,韩国游泳奥运冠军朴泰桓在仁川以自己名字命名的游泳馆进行了新年首训。据韩联社报道,开启新征程的他透露渴望在2017年实现救赎,而两年一度的布达佩斯游泳世锦赛无疑是他为自己正名的最佳机会。 ...

On January 23, Korean swimming Olympic champion park in incheon, named after their swimming pool on the first training in the New Year. According to yonhap news agency reported, open new journey he revealed to achieve salvation in 2017, the biennial world swimming championships in Budapest is undoubtedly the best opportunity to him for his name. ...