新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不用找零了!肯德基500家门店将接入支付宝


Keep the change! KFC 500 stores will access to pay treasure

2015-06-30 13:13:07来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】根据肯德基中国的消息,他们与支付宝达成全面合作,未来将在全国范围内的5000家门店加入支付宝,届时顾客可以使用支付宝的方式进行付款,只需要出示支付宝钱包付款码,让收银员扫描后,2秒内即可完成付款。 前,肯德基已在上海市和浙江省的700多家餐厅接入支付宝支付,并计划...

[techweb reported according to KFC China's news, they and pay treasure to reach comprehensive cooperation, future will be within the range of 5000 stores added Alipay, then the customer can use pay treasure way of payment, only need to produce Alipay payment wallet code and let the cashier scanned, 2 seconds to complete the payment. Ago, Kentucky Fried Chicken has been in Shanghai city and Zhejiang Province, more than 700 restaurant access PayPal payment, and plans...