新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盲目买商铺却三年招不了租 投资者成本难收回

盲目买商铺却三年招不了租 投资者成本难收回

Blindly buying shops have three years to recruit not rent costs for investors difficult to recover

2015-11-15 14:33:28来源: 西部网

西部网讯 (陕西广播电视台《今日点击》记者 支磊)原以为买了一个聚宝盆,马上就能实现一个商铺富三代的梦想。然而,四年多时间过去了,买来的商铺却迟迟无法出租,聚宝盆最终成了心头病。这样的遭遇让镇安县上...

western network (Shaanxi radio and television today "click" reporter) Zhi Lei thought bought a cornucopia, immediately will be able to achieve a shops rich three generations of the dream. However, more than four years have passed, but the delay can not be bought in shops rent, eventually became a cornucopia of heart disease. This experience let County town on...