新关注 > 信息聚合 > 论沧海套法效与上限对幽冥治疗符的取舍


On the sea and the law effect and limit of the ghost choice for the treatment of operator

2016-09-11 12:27:34来源: 多玩游戏

以治疗符为例,技能系数为1.25,最后治疗效果为 (基础+法效^1.25)^(1+最终输出提高)^上限 我沧海套为全上限,设洗练的法效个数为x 代入我自身数据为{2941+(20944+x^...

In treatment of operator, for example, skills coefficient is 1.25, the treatment effect for method (base + effect ^ 1.25) ^ ^ cap (1 + final output increase) I the sea set upper limit for the whole, the method that washs practice set number effect for generation x into my own data for {+ 2941 (2941 + x ^...