新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经纪人亲承中国球队邀伊布 瑞典高塔明夏来投?

经纪人亲承中国球队邀伊布 瑞典高塔明夏来投?

Brokers pro - Chinese team invited the Swedish tower in the summer of Ibrahimovic to vote?

2015-09-06 06:44:46来源: 新浪

曝伊布收中国球队邀请明夏或考虑来华踢球 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月4日消息,据瑞典媒体“aftonbladet.se”报道,目前效力于法甲巴黎圣日耳曼队的瑞典球星伊布拉希莫维奇的合同将在明年夏天到期,而对于其未来的去向问题,伊布的经纪人拉伊奥拉在接受采访时表示,他们已经收到了包括来自中...

exposure Ibrahimovic received invited a Chinese team next summer or consider China play sina sports news Beijing standard time on September 4 news, according to Swedish media "aftonbladet.se reports currently playing for the French team Paris Saint Germain of Swedish star Zlatan Ibrahimovic's contract will expire in the summer of next year, and for the future direction of, Ibrahimovic broker Raiola in an interview said they had received from in...