新关注 > 信息聚合 > 感受奢华 9999元8848钛金手机模特秀

感受奢华 9999元8848钛金手机模特秀

Feel the luxury mobile phone looks like 9999 yuan 8848 titanium mobile phone models show

2015-07-29 05:29:09来源: 中关村在线

9999元的手机长啥样儿?iPhone 6Plus算比较高端的手机了吧!但是和8848钛金手机比起来了,奢华程度还是不够看的。这款昨天下午最新发布的实用奢华主义手机采用加工难度大,轻盈耐腐蚀的钛金做...

9999 yuan? 6Plus iPhone is more high-end mobile phone! But with the 8848 titanium gold mobile phones, the degree of luxury or not enough to see. The latest release of the latest release of practical luxury mobile phone using the processing of large, light and corrosion-resistant titanium gold do...