新关注 > 信息聚合 > 本田遭英超领头羊挖角 日本天王讽意甲活在过去

本田遭英超领头羊挖角 日本天王讽意甲活在过去

Honda was hired away from Japan Premier League leaders King satirical Serie live in the past

2016-04-11 14:06:11来源: 搜狐

本田遭英超领头羊挖角 日本天王讽意甲活在过去 莱斯特城刚刚在英超2-0战胜桑德兰,这让他们距离英超联赛冠军又近了一步,而下个赛季,莱斯特城将面临四线作战的局面,补充人手是非常必要的。据意大利《米...

Honda was hired away from Japan Premier League leaders King satirical Serie live in the past just in the Premier League Leicester City 2-0 win over Sunderland, which makes them from the Premier League title is a step closer, and next season, Leicester City will faced with four-line combat situation, it is necessary to supplement manpower. According to the Italian "m ...