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申鑫主帅:贾秀全是我恩师 对建业2人会重点限制

Shen Xin Coach: Jia Xiuquan is my teacher for Jianye 2 will focus on

2015-06-19 23:10:29来源: 新浪

申鑫主帅刘俊威 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月20日,中超联赛第14轮,河南建业将坐镇主场迎战上海申鑫。经过两周的间歇期,中超联赛继续开战。目前申鑫队排名倒数第一,申鑫主帅刘俊威在赛前新闻发布会上表示...

Shen Xin coach Liu Junwei of sina sports news Beijing time on June 20, the superior league tournament 14th round, Henan Jianye will sits at home against Shanghai Shen Xin. After two weeks of intermittent, the Super League to continue the war. Currently ranked first in the bottom of the Shen Xin, Shen Xin coach Liu Junwei in the pre match press conference, said...