新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马云送18位乡村校长去美国游学 第一站他们学到什么

马云送18位乡村校长去美国游学 第一站他们学到什么

Ma sent 18 village headmaster first stop to go to America to study what they learn

2017-10-28 23:33:41来源: 新华报业网


18 village headmaster from remote areas of China, through the selection, ma village headmaster plan for two weeks of study in the United States, in order to understand the system of rural education, in order to communicate with local depth of rural schools also contact, inspire thinking. Hunan taojiang Fanny wong principals in the travel notes also mentioned the keywords "diversity". But through the exchange of a few days, the principals of open, studious, and critical thinking she was very surprised.