新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2018国家公务员考试:关于报考职位相关问题


The 2018 national civil service exam: about to enter oneself for an examination related position

2017-10-28 15:47:57来源: 中公教育网

报考人员只能报考一个职位。2. 什么情况下报考人员可以更改报考职位?招录机关在对报考人员报考信息进行资格审查之前,报考人员可以更改报考职位。3. 报考某一职位资格审查未通过后,还可以再次报考该职位吗...

Enter oneself for an examination personnel enter oneself for an examination only one position. 2. What circumstance enter oneself for an examination to enter oneself for an examination personnel can change the position? Enroll organ before the qualification to enter oneself for an examination to enter oneself for an examination personnel information, enter oneself for an examination to enter oneself for an examination personnel can change the position. 3. Enter oneself for an examination a certain position qualification after failed, also can enter oneself for an examination the position again...