新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双宋婚礼正面高清照曝光!宋仲基讲感言洒泪


Double positive Gao Qingzhao exposure wedding song! Song joong ki speak their tears

2017-10-31 19:17:07来源: 凤凰新闻


Phoenix TV entertainment - October 31 afternoon, Song Zhong and "double wedding song" song hye kyo woosong hotel in downtown Seoul. Song joong ki wedding song hye kyo positive pictures finally exposed. A wedding is one of the "wedding of the century" of South Korea, South Korea's half a showbiz will attend our congratulations for the couple. Song joong ki tightly holding hands to enter the venue, song hye kyo their speech several degrees SOB, also caused the guests was moved to tears. The wedding is very low...