新关注 > 信息聚合 > 隋棠怀孕4个月仍踩跑步机健身 苗条身材抢眼

隋棠怀孕4个月仍踩跑步机健身 苗条身材抢眼

Sonia pregnant 4 months still step on the treadmill fitness slim eye-catching

2015-05-20 22:42:15来源: 中国青年网

隋棠健身照 腾讯娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道 34岁的隋棠怀孕快4个月,但她依然会跑步运动,还不忘在网路上传自拍照。 隋棠5月20日在脸书透露怀孕初期饱受腰酸背痛之苦,因为睡不好而影响气色,直到老...

Sui Tang fitness according to Tencent Entertainment News, according to Taiwan media reports, 34, Sui Tang pregnant fast 4 months, but she still running, also did not forget in the network upload pictures from. Sonia Sui in May 20th in the face book revealed early pregnancy suffering from back pain, because sleep is not good and the influence of complexion, until the old...