新关注 > 信息聚合 > 应为校园周边食品安全设门槛


Should be around the campus food safety barriers

2015-02-11 01:12:50来源: 大河网

青海新闻网讯 在海东不少学校周边,经常可以看见小卖部和流动摊贩向学生兜售熟食,他们所售卖的食品是否安全,让人担忧。虽然如此,仍有很多学生一放学就奔向这些流动摊点和小卖部,购买廉价的食物填饱肚子,让老...

Qinghai news network in many schools around the middle, often can see the canteen and street vendors selling food to the students, they sell food is safe, worrying. Even so, there are still many students go to the stalls and kiosks, buy cheap food to eat, let the old...