新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一学期班费500元,家长吐槽——孩子的班费,我能..


Overtime pay 500 yuan a semester, parents Tucao -- children's class, I could..

2014-12-13 08:43:48来源: 杭州网

“学堂君,跟你说件烦心事,我能对我孩子的班费说一个‘不’字吗?” 近日,一名杭州家长丽妈通过早报学堂群,向学堂君诉说了自己的困惑:家长群的“领袖”们向来出手阔绰,连带着其他家长也要跟风,现在她的孩...

school you, told you troubles, I can say 'no' to my child's class?" Recently, a Hangzhou parents Li mother through the morning school, telling their own confusion to the king: a group of parents of school "leaders" have been big spenders, along with other parents should also follow the trend, and now her children...