新关注 > 信息聚合 > “藤校情结”是走出国门的“状元情结”


The complex of rattan school is outside the complex of top

2018-01-12 15:25:38来源: 搜狐新闻

每年12月中下旬,是美国大学发放ED offer的密集期。美国名校尤其是“常春藤名校”offer的发放,往往会成为中国家长最为关注的焦点。不过,数据却显示,“藤校”每年在中国录取的学生就200人左右...

Mid to late December every year, is the university grant ED intensive period of offer. American schools, especially the "ivy league" offer issue, can become the focus of most Chinese parents. Data show, however, "rattan school" admitted students in China every year about 200 people...