新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭绍台高速公路磐安段建设指挥部挂牌


Headquarters of Hangzhou Expressway Shaotai Panan construction

2015-08-03 20:56:50来源: 磐安新闻网

今天下午,杭绍台高速公路磐安段建设指挥部正式挂牌。县委常委、常务副县长陈海明,副县长陈远志为指挥部挂牌。 据了解,杭绍台高速公路磐安段建设主线长2.4公里,按双向四车道标准设计,路基宽26米,速...

today in the afternoon, listing, Hangzhou Expressway Shaotai Panan Construction Command Department formally. County Party Standing Committee, executive vice governor Chen Haiming, deputy magistrate Chen Yuanzhi listed on the command. It is understood that 2.4 km long Hangzhou Expressway Shaotai Panan construction main line, according to the standard two-way four lane design, roadbed width of 26 meters, speed...