新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新年微信支付也出新招,全民摇免单活动


The new WeChat payment tactics, a shake free single event

2018-02-21 10:47:24来源: 凤凰科技

为迎接 2018 新年新气象,微信支付将在春节期间推出线下福利活动,春节7天免单不间断。一波长达7天、线下场景全覆盖的全民摇免单活动,用户不仅可以在线上和亲朋好友抢红包,线下也可以在各种消费场景获得...

In order to meet the new year of the new year 2018 new weather, WeChat will be paid during the Spring Festival during the launch of the offline welfare activities, the Spring Festival 7 days uninterrupted. A 7 day long, offline coverage of the nationwide campaign is free. Users can not only grab red envelopes online with friends or family members, but also get different kinds of consumer scenarios.