新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【牵妈妈的手】你陪我长大 我陪你变老

【牵妈妈的手】你陪我长大 我陪你变老

You accompany me to grow up and I grow old with you

2018-02-23 01:08:10来源: 中青在线


No hunger and cold, worthy of my parents; no progress, I how to be parents? When I was a child, my mother led us to teach us to walk and go to sleep with us. When we grew up, we were busy with school and work, but gradually forgot the familiar hand and hug. If you are still at home, please take another mother's hand and give her a hug. If you have returned to school or job, please remember to call her and let her be less concerned.