新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南京商品房市场乍暖还寒 40余个楼盘陆续上市

南京商品房市场乍暖还寒 40余个楼盘陆续上市

Nanjing housing market the soil more than 40 buildings are listed

2018-02-24 18:30:48来源: 证券时报


According to reports in the Chinese times, before the Spring Festival, the nanjing jiangning district land project of Beijing news from shutdown this port of the future, Beijing the port group has said the media reports inaccurate, refused to answer the reason behind the shutdown incidents. The personage inside course of study points out, watch the nanjing property market, since 2016, a large number of developers taken at the cost of a large number of high-priced land, according to the construction and development cycle count, nanjing this year will be about 40 to 50 buildings are listed.