新关注 > 信息聚合 > 安胖改口狂吹德国队强大:意大利输球也不丢人


Ancelotti start crazy blow to Germany's powerful: Italian loss is not a shame

2016-07-02 17:29:53来源: 华体网

外媒截图 讯 北京时间7月2日消息,意大利与德国即将在明日凌晨为一张欧洲杯的四强名额进行大战。两支球队是世界足坛的传统豪门,而且在本届大赛中都有着稳定的发挥,两支球队的大战也吸引了全世界球迷的目光...

Foreign media capture (Beijing time on July 2, in Italy and Germany tomorrow morning for a European championship semi-finals quota for war. Two teams is the tradition of world football club, and has a stable of play in the competition, two teams fight also attracted the attention of fans all over the world...