新关注 > 信息聚合 > 近五年本科毕业生在民企就业比例呈上升趋势


Over the past five years, graduates in private employment proportion is the recent rise in trend

2015-07-02 21:03:07来源: 人民网

人民网北京7月2日电 (记者 林露)近日,麦可思发布的近五年大学毕业生就业状况调查数据显示,2010-2014届本科毕业生在“民营企业/个体”的就业比例呈上升趋势,五年上涨10个百分点,已达到五成....

people's Network Beijing on July 2 - (Reporter Lin Lu), Mycos released over the past five years, the employment situation of college graduates survey data show, 2010-2014 session of the graduates in employment, the proportion of private enterprise / a body "showed a rising trend, up 10 percent five years has reached 50%.