新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王铮亮倡导公益呼吁禁毒 与成龙郭峰等献唱《生命》

王铮亮倡导公益呼吁禁毒 与成龙郭峰等献唱《生命》

Reno and promoting public calls for narcotics and Jackie Chan Guofeng sing "life"

2015-06-05 12:28:09来源: 中国娱乐网

王铮亮参与录制禁毒公益歌曲《生命》 近日,由著名音乐人郭峰作词作曲,国家禁毒委员会办公室及中国禁毒基金会共同制作的禁毒公益歌曲《生命》正式上线,成龙、王铮亮、黄绮珊、以及郭峰本人等数十组艺人共同...

Reno participated in the recording of "anti drug commonweal song" life recently, by Guo Feng, a famous music lyrics and music, the office of the National Narcotics Control Commission and the Beat Drugs Fund will of common anti drug commonweal song "life" formally launched, Jackie Chan, Reno, Huang Qishan, and Guo Feng himself dozens of groups of artists together...