新关注 > 信息聚合 > 主题是关键 论如何创作无法替代的照片

主题是关键 论如何创作无法替代的照片

Theme is how to produce a set of photographs, one of key on how to create irreplaceable photos

2015-05-15 16:19:01来源: 搜狐

一组照片是怎么产生的,从哪里入手开始拍摄呢? 一次漫无目的的拍摄大多会以失败告终,因为你都不知道你在拍什么,又怎么能指望读者看懂你在拍什么呢,无法产生共鸣的照片是我们需要避免的。那一组照片从何而...

, from where to start shooting? An aimless shooting mostly ended in failure, because you do not know you in what to shoot, how can we expect readers to understand you in what to shoot, unable to produce pictures of resonance is we need to avoid. That group of photos from where...