新关注 > 信息聚合 > 徐若瑄晒姐姐素颜照 网友:像你和赵薇综合版(图)

徐若瑄晒姐姐素颜照 网友:像你和赵薇综合版(图)

Vivian Tan sister), users: like you and Zhao omnibus edition (Figure)

2015-05-14 20:53:37来源: 人民网

据台湾“中国时报”消息,近日,徐若瑄因怀孕卧床休养不方便洗头,遂将长发剪掉,被网友称赞短发更显年轻。今日,她在社交网站晒出大姐美照,透露对方也剪了一头俏丽短发。 今日,徐若瑄瞒着姐姐晒出其素颜美照,称赞她的短发造型很美,“她若知道我又晒她照片,一定会追杀我!还好我住在新加坡。”照片中...

according to Taiwan's "China Times" news. Recently, Vivian because pregnant bed rest is not convenient to wash your hair, ordered long hair cut, netizens praised short hair more youthful. Today, her sister in the social networking site drying out the photos, the other side also revealed a pretty short hair cut head. Today, Vivian to deceive the sister drying out the makeup beauty shine, praised her short hair style is very beautiful, "if she knew that I was the sun pictures she will kill me! I live in Singapore.." In the photo...