新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆市民与动物零距离接触互动 提高保护野生动物..

重庆市民与动物零距离接触互动 提高保护野生动物..

Chongqing people and animals up close interaction to improve the protection of wild animals ..

2016-03-02 22:49:29来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 图为猴子吸引市民拍照。陈超 摄 图为市民与鹦鹉互动。陈超 摄 3月2日,“世界野生动植物日”临近,重庆洋人街湿地公园举办一场“人与动物零距离接触”体验活动,呼吁人们提高对野生动物的...

Pictured monkey attract people to participate in interactive pictures. Chen Chao Photo Photo Parrot interact with the public. Chen Chao taken March 2, "the World Wildlife Day" approaching, Chongqing Foreigner Street Wetland Park held a "people and animals up close" experience activities, called on people to improve wildlife ...