新关注 > 信息聚合 > 独家∣MPA考核不达标三家城商行受罚 央行杀鸡儆猴

独家∣MPA考核不达标三家城商行受罚 央行杀鸡儆猴

Exclusive MPA assessment failed to meet the standards of three city commercial banks punished by the central bank

2017-03-12 05:06:05来源: 财新网

【财新网】(记者 张宇哲 吴红毓然)近期宁波银行和贵阳银行被央行取消了2017年的公开市场一级交易商资格;南京银行则被暂停了MLF(中期借贷便利)操作对象资格,暂停的期限是三个月。这是财新记者从多个...

The Bank of Ningbo and the Bank of Guiyang were recently cancelled by the Bank of Ningbo and the Bank of Guiyang by the central bank in 2017, while the Bank of Nanjing was suspended for three months. This is a new financial reporter from more than one...