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不吃唐僧肉 告诉你一个长生不老的方法

Tang's monk meat not tell you a method of immortality

2017-02-04 10:12:46来源: 中关村在线

唐僧在取经路上经历了九九八十一难,其实归根结底就是一句话“有人想吃我”,消灭了一个妖怪,还有无数妖怪等在路上准备吃唐长老,之所以如此受欢迎在于那个大家人尽皆知的原因——吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老。 ...

Tang's monk experienced wringer in the scriptures on the road, in the final analysis is actually a word "someone like me," kill a monster, there are numerous monster etc. Prepare to eat tang elder on the road, is so popular is that everybody known -- eat tang's monk meat can live forever. ...