新关注 > 信息聚合 > 15岁“漫画少女”一幅普通的画竟卖到千元


15 "cartoon young girl" is a common picture to sell one thousand yuan

2017-09-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

浙江在线-宁波频道9月10日讯 9月9日,在宁波市青少年宫,拍卖出了一批特殊的画。这些画出自宁波一个普通的15岁少女小婷之手,不是名家大作,也没有深厚的绘画功底,看上去只是几幅手笔还略显稚嫩的简笔画,却惊人地卖出了上千元的高价,这之中又藏着怎样动人的故事? 花季少女患病各方爱心涌现 原来这位"漫画少女"小婷身患"地中海贫血",原本属于这个年纪的健康和朝气她都无法体会。"8月1日小婷被送来鄞州人民医院时浑身浮肿、皮肤发黄发绿,已经奄奄一息。经过化验检查,小婷的血色素只有1克,而正常人在13克左右。15岁的女孩子看上去瘦小得只有七八岁的样子。"鄞州人民医院ICU护理王艳芳医生说道。依照小...

Online - ningbo, zhejiang channel on September 10, on September 9, in ningbo city youth palace, at an auction a batch of special painting. These pictures from ningbo an ordinary 15-year-old tsuen wan, is not a famous masterpiece, also does not have deep knowledge of the painting language, handwriting looks are just a few also slightly immature brief strokes, but surprisingly sold thousands of yuan, it hides how touching story again? Teenage girl sick all love The original "cartoon young girl" tsuen wan with Mediterranean anemia, originally belong to this age health and vitality she couldn't understand." Tsuen wan was sent on August 1, yinzhou people's hospital and edema, skin yellow, green, was almost out of breath. Through laboratory tests, tsuen wan only 1 gram of hemoglobin, and normal in 13 grams left and right sides. 15 year old girl looks smaller only seven or eight years old." Yinzhou people's hospital ICU nursing hu zhao said the doctor. According to the small...