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昆明一中学举办风筝节 巨型“埃及艳后”风中飞翔

A middle school in kunming kite festival held giant "cleopatra" fly in the wind

2017-03-29 05:22:58来源: 中国新闻网

中新网昆明3月28日电 (陈静)淅淅沥沥连下了几天小雨的昆明,在28日这天终于放晴,舒爽的春风中,昆明市第一中学首届风筝节暨校本课程成果展示如期举行,1200余名师生齐聚校园足球场,迎风放飞风筝,欢...

Kunming, Beijing, March 28 (xinhua Chen jing), even for a few days rain falling kunming on 28 day finally clear up, comfortable, the spring breeze of no. 1 middle school in kunming, the kite festival and school-based curriculum results show was held as scheduled, more than 1200 teachers and students gathered on the campus football field, the wind fly kites, huan...