新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乔伊-巴顿:期待和英超最好的球员坎特的对抗


Joey barton: expectation and the premier league's best player cantor

2017-02-10 04:05:19来源: 华体网

足球2月9日讯 乔伊-巴顿表态称很高兴周末能和英超最好的球员坎特进行对抗。 伯恩利在冬窗重新签下了乔伊-巴顿,此前曾和格拉斯哥流浪者闹出过种种矛盾的乔伊-巴顿不想谈论以前的事情。 乔伊-巴顿说:...

Football on Feb. 9 - joey barton said I'm glad the weekend and the premier league's best player against cantor. Burnley in the winter window again signed joey barton, had earlier and Glasgow rangers have been various conflicts before joey barton didn't want to talk about. Joey barton said:...