新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微信补齐条码扫描短板 接入线下超市数据

微信补齐条码扫描短板 接入线下超市数据

Micro message complete barcode scanning short board access line supermarket data

2013-08-15 09:28:23来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】8月15日消息,亿邦动力网获悉,微信的条码扫描功能日前已正式扩展至线下超市,而其线下超市商品条码数据则主要来源于扫码软件公司灵动快拍。 据了解,由于商品数据积累有限,微信5.0版本的条码扫描功能存在一定局限,不少商品(尤其是线下超市商品)扫描条码后会出现“没有该商品”的...

billion state power network August 15th news, US state power network was informed that, bar code scanning function of Micro message has formally extended to the line and the line supermarket, supermarket commodity bar code data mainly comes from the code scanning software company Lingdong kuaipai. It is understood that, due to the accumulation of limited commodity data, barcode scanning function Micro message version 5 there are certain limitations, many commodities (especially the supermarket goods line) to scan the bar code will appear after the "do not have the goods"...