新关注 > 信息聚合 > 旗舰HTC U参数解析:骁龙835/IP57防水

旗舰HTC U参数解析:骁龙835/IP57防水

The flagship HTC U argument parsing: 835 / IP57 waterproof Xiao dragons

2017-04-18 13:24:43来源: 中关村在线

前两天我们曾经报道了HTC新旗舰首度曝光的消息,今天我们带来的是有关HTC U的更多参数配置,一起来看。 首先HTC U将配备IP57的防尘防水能力,这意味着它可以在1米深的水下“存活”半个小时...

Two days before we had reported the new flagship HTC first news, today we bring about HTC U more parameters configuration, see together. First HTC U will be equipped with IP57 dust-proof waterproof capability, which means it can be in 1 m deep underwater "live" half an hour...