新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国电竞产业进入爆发期 业者打造“电竞版NBA”

中国电竞产业进入爆发期 业者打造“电竞版NBA”

Chinese gaming industry into the outbreak of the industry to create "gaming version of NBA"

2017-12-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

14年前成为中国第99个正式体育项目,2017年成为2022年杭州亚运会比赛项目,电子竞技产业在中国迎来爆发期,“职业化”也开始起步。 资料图 电子竞技比赛激烈。泱波 摄 上周末,由腾讯主办的2017王者荣耀职业联赛年度总决赛(KPL)在深圳举行。经过半年的联赛,两只竞技队伍QGhappy(量子电竞俱乐部)与XQ(逐日之灵电竞俱乐部)进入最后的角逐。上万名年轻粉丝买票来到体育馆,为自己喜欢的队员助威。比赛激烈处,场内沸腾,爆发出震耳的喊声、尖叫声。 腾讯互娱移动电竞业务部总经理、KPL联盟主席张易加向中新社记者介绍,“之前对英超、NBA(美国男子职业篮球联赛)做了系统研究,所以一开...

14 years ago, it became the ninety-ninth official sport in China. In 2017, it became the Asian Games event of Hangzhou in 2022. The e-sports industry is ushering in China, and professionalization is starting. The data map is fierce in electronic competition. At the end of the week, Yang Bo was held in Shenzhen by the Tencent, the 2017 King's annual championship of the professional league (KPL). After the first half of the league, two sports team QGhappy (quantum Gaming Club (daily) and XQ the spirit of the Gaming Club) entered the final game. Thousands of young fans bought tickets to the gym to help their favorite players. The intense competition, the boiling out deafening shouts and screams. Tencent, general manager of mobile gaming entertainment business KPL alliance chairman Zhang Yijia told the China News Agency reporter introduction, "prior to the Premier League, NBA (United States men's occupation basketball league) were studied, so a...

标签: 电竞