新关注 > 信息聚合 > 招聘会"双创"成亮点 大学生迎来共享经济创业契机

招聘会"双创"成亮点 大学生迎来共享经济创业契机

Recruitment will be "double creation" and bright spot. College students will welcome the opportunity of shared economic entrepreneurship.

2017-03-29 05:22:58来源: 广西新闻网

招聘会上创业者们进行“双创”成果分享。广西新闻网记者 黄玲娜 摄 广西新闻网南宁3月28日讯(记者 黄玲娜 通讯员 傅聪)“金三银四”是企业招聘的黄金时段,大规模的春季求职、招聘活动在各高校陆续开...

At the recruitment meeting, entrepreneurs share the results of "double innovation". Guangxi news network reporter Huang Lingna in Guangxi news network Nanning March 28th news (reporter Huang Lingna correspondent Fu Cong) "gold three silver four" is the golden period of enterprise recruitment, large-scale spring job hunting, recruitment activities in Colleges and universities in succession.

标签: 共享经济