新关注 > 信息聚合 > 5.2寸魅蓝5S跑分来了 春节前发布依然699元?

5.2寸魅蓝5S跑分来了 春节前发布依然699元?

5.2 inch Charm Blue 5S running before the Spring Festival release is still 699 yuan?

2017-01-03 16:03:26来源: TechWeb

传闻中的魅族魅蓝5S新机现身GeekBench跑分,确认了处理器信息。 该机单核跑分572,多核2481分,搭载的是联发科MT6753处理器,主频1.3GHz,8核心。 相较去年10月底发布魅蓝5,5S升级为金属后壳,处理器从MT6750升级为6753,都是全网通。 按照工信部给出...

Rumors of Meizu magic blue 5S new machine appeared GeekBench running points, confirmed processor information. The single core run of the machine is divided into 572 cores, 2481 cores and 2481 cores. It carries the MT6753 processor of the MediaTek, the main frequency 1.3GHz, and the core of the system. Compared to last year's end of October, the release of enchanting Blue 5, 5S upgraded to metal shell, processor upgrade from MT6750 to 6753, are all Netcom. According to the Ministry of industry and information.