新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李若彤视外甥女如己出 曾被误认私生女

李若彤视外甥女如己出 曾被误认私生女

Carman Lee as the niece had been mistaken as yourself out illegitimate daughter

2014-04-19 00:58:58来源: 大众网

李若彤(资料图) 新浪娱乐讯 据香港媒体报道,数娱乐圈苦命女子,除了张慧仪,还有47岁的李若彤。曾在娱乐圈销声匿迹一段日子的她,最近因新剧曝光率大增,更自爆曾患抑郁,想过自杀,不过最终因为一个女孩...

Carman Lee (data plan) LOS ANGELES According to Hong Kong media reports, a few hardy women's entertainment, in addition to Cheung Wai Yee, and 47-year-old Carman. Had disappeared in the entertainment industry for some time, she is greatly increased recently due to exposure drama, more blew suffered depression, thought about suicide, but in the end because of a girl ...