新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青岛有望举办中韩创新孵化支援大会


Qingdao, China and South Korea are expected to hold innovation incubator support assembly

2016-01-29 17:47:41来源: 大众网

双方签署战略合作协议 大众网青岛1月29日讯(记者 王保明 通讯员 庞辉)大众网记者近日从中德生态园获悉,1月28日,韩国江原大学创业支援团白恒兆团长一行访问了青岛国际经济合作区。会后,双方签署了...

The two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement the public network - Qingdao January 29 (reporter bao-ming wang correspondent PangHui) popular recently, reporter learned from the chinese-german eco-park, January 28, Han Guojiang original university entrepreneurship support group Bai Hengzhao delegation visited Qingdao international economic cooperation zones. After the meeting, the two sides signed a...