新关注 > 信息聚合 > 单摄像头可拍人像 iPhone8或配3D传感器

单摄像头可拍人像 iPhone8或配3D传感器

A single camera can make a portrait of a iPhone8 or a 3D sensor

2017-04-12 13:39:46来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】对于下半年的iPhone发布会,从目前的消息来看已经确定苹果将发布三款机型,分别是iPhone7s、iPhone7s Plus以及iPhone8(或称iPhone X)。其中iP...

(IT168 information) for the second half of the iPhone conference, from the current news, it has been determined that the apple will release three models, namely, iPhone7s, iPhone7s Plus and iPhone8 (or iPhone X). Of which iP...