新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆能源职业学院学生斩获全国BIM识图建模大赛一..


Chongqing energy vocational college students won the national general figure modeling competition one. Plus.

2016-01-25 15:26:49来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 日前,2015“广联达杯”全国BIM识图建模网络大赛结果正式公布,重庆能源职业学院学生斩获全国BIM识图建模大赛一、二等奖。 华龙网1月25日14时55分讯(张华 通讯员 许萍)日前...

【 abstract 】 recently, 2015 "visionbank cup" national BIM figure modeling knowledge network competition results, officially released energy of chongqing vocational college students won the national BIM figure modeling knowledge contest, the second prize. China work on January 25, 14 55 points - (correspondent zhang hua Xu Ping) a few days ago...